An urgent relief campaign for those affected by the Moroccan earthquake

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An urgent relief campaign for those affected by the Moroccan earthquake


2 Donate
8001 USD
40 %
Collected : 8001 USD
Campaign Objective : 20000 USD

An urgent relief campaign for those affected by the Moroccan earthquake


Help your brothers in Morocco🇲🇦

The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “And God helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother.”


The campaign includes providing the following services:

1. Scarves/covers
2. Food parcels
3. Meals
4. Mattresses/blankets
5. Camp
6. Water distribution


🔷 For contact and inquiries: +905075555377
📞 Direct link to WhatsApp:


Register as a volunteer
Register by contacting us +90 507 555 53 77